Monday, February 6, 2012

Aunt Holly in The Possessor

Aunt Holly's strong character in The Possessor is a familiar figure for many of us who grew up in the 30s, 40's, and 50's. Aunt Holly is based on my mother who brought those skills with her when I was growing up in Kansas City. Like many women who had to live through the depressions and then World War II, she baked her own bread, made her own lye soap, and made many of our clothes. She was liberated before her time although she didn't understand the women's movement because she could do anything she wanted. She sold real estate and was good with money. Her greatest weakness was her grandchildren.  Aunt Holly has a jovial side and my mother was pretty serious most of the time, so I took a little bit of her cousin, Sylvia and melded her into Aunt Holly. I don't think there was a time in my life when I was with Sylvia that she didn't laugh. She had a deep throated, belly laugh that made you want to laugh. Whether at funerals or weddings, Sylvia saw the funny side of life. The Aunt Holly's are fading from this world but they are being replaced by another time of strong woman who can hold a job, raise kids, and attend PTA meetings. She's just as organized and strong as Aunt Holly.

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