Saturday, December 28, 2019

Rainbow Lake

It has been a long five years since I started Rainbow Lake and any promises I made that it would soon be finished were dashed by three hospital stays and two operations. I feel fine and Rainbox Lake just became available on Amazon in paperback and ebook. I return again to the past to pre World War II in southern Missouri where simple people find themselves entangled with evil.

I heard a story once about a small lake in middle Missouri close to the Lake of the Ozarks. The Lake of the Ozarks was started in the late twenties and fast became a draw for people to hunt, fish, and build a cabin to stay the weekends. It was primitive. I have pictures of my granddad at a cabin in those early days of the lake. This other lake was built by blacks because they weren't allowed on the Lake of the Ozarks. I don't know how big it was (or is) but my storyteller told me it was built by blacks who taught at Lincoln University in Jefferson City. They couldn't buy anything near their lake or on the way, so they had to bring everything with them from Jefferson City in their cars. The lake was hidden by trees and couldn't be seen from the main roads. I didn't have enough information to write about the lake but I could incorporate it in a book. I wouldn't begin my book at Rainbow Lake, but it would end there.

Click on the Rainbow Lake cover and go to Amazon to find out more. I always appreciate reviews.

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