Thursday, July 2, 2015

Houses Lost to Time

The old houses stand empty, their weathered siding a haunting gray that provokes a curiosity in us. Who lived in that house? Why did they move? Why didn’t anyone buy it?

I remember walking my cousin’s farm as a boy and finding rock foundations that were no bigger than some closets today where someone lived and raised families. Some people lost their homes during the depression while others just left them to go elsewhere. They are hidden by tall grass and volunteer trees,  while others stand in the middle of a field surrounded by grazing cattle. Sometimes there are  rusted farm implements scattered around that remind us of a different time.

Many things can invoke an idea in a writer’s mind, and these old houses lost to time stirred my imagination. It is in one of these old abandoned houses in the mid 1930’s that Stalked by The Devl begins. A love affair gone wrong and the threat of the baby being murdered. An elderly couple brings their granddaughter to an old abandoned house to deliver her baby in secret. The weather is against them as a heavy snowstorm has invaded the Ozarks and time has stopped.  As the young girl writhes in pain on an old bed, the grandfather looks out into the storm waiting for the doctor-or the stalker.

I am working hard on this book and hope to have it out by Christmas.

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